IDLE NO MORE, Where do we go from here ?



Idle no more, started by four lawyers, when i think of a lawyer it makes me ponder their OATH-(OATH. A declaration made according to law, before a competent tribunal or officer, to tell the truth; or it is the act of one who, when lawfully required to tell the truth, takes God to witness that what he says is true. It is a religious act by which the party invokes God not only to witness the truth and sincerity of his promise, but also to avenge his imposture or violated faith, or in other words to punish his perjury if he shall be guilty of it.) the lawyer sworn to become a practicing lawyer. This oath would appear to be a conflict of interest (A conflict of interest (COI) occurs when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in another.) as all their oaths they are sworn to upheld in order to practice law in the Canadian/American courts.

So, when one of our own becomes a lawyer, what most do not understand or think about is, this conflict of interest that is there. The position that most would expect is, their first allegiance should be to their people/nation. Now sworn to uphold this new oath to the Queen,BAR and whoever else, makes it a challenge for them to truly stand up or stand with their people without being threatened to be thrown out of their position, lose their salary and not be able to practice law anymore in the system. Their families are in need of being supported,  as well as themselves and the lifestyle, one can become a custom to, when you got a salary like one of a lawyer. This article starts out this way because no one ever considers this, at least i have not yet heard this being a concern at all. Lawyers are sworn to the court first and everything else, before the client. Now how can this be, if  in fact the lawyer is allegedly supposed to be here representing their client? I have been in situations when i was ignorant to law, this lawyer was suppose to be helping me out, but instead, hung me out to dry on a case i should have walked away from with minor issues. Nope, i got hung out by my own lawyer what is that? So, when i read that lawyers first priority is to the court, it all made sense why i was treated in this manner. So why would someone from our nations be any different ? Questions that should roll round in your head, in my opinion.


This exact same position that also apply to those folks who work at Band office. They sworn an oath to her Majesty the Queen and Canada, does this not create a conflict as well ?  So, we have one of the band members making a scene and starving herself, for a good cause. Which got many to rally around the Idle No More events even more, however as someone who studies nutrition and health care as a nurse, it didnt make sense that someone would call it a hunger strike and yet consume liquids and soups etc..etc.. I really dont know, nor can i say whether she actually went on a hunger strike. Those usually consist of not consuming anything maybe some water, maybe. The ones that came before her, who actually went on a real hunger strike lost alot of weight within a week or more. She went on a much longer hunger strike and yet appeared to have not lost any weight.

So, these are just my own oA-doctor-supports-Cuban-o-001bservations and i can only offer this at this moment. So my thoughts are on this item is, it was a shame. It seems to me, her actions appear to be corrupt in nature and i maybe wrong. However, i offer, you the reader to do some  research to actually see if any    of the accusations are true.

The band council Chiefs make a pretty solid salary, along with the rest of their co-workers so i can see why they would wanna stick around in this position. Their families and themselves need to be supported in this system that rewards you to do their bidding.

So, the main point here is that their position is a major conflict of interest and their dealings with these corporations are completely fraud in nature.They maybe one of the people from the nation but their oath and position is an arm of the Government of Canada. Which means, its Canada who is negotiating these so called Deals for extraction of our nations natural resources. So with that said, how come this isnt brought to any of the talks i go to or watch on youtube when idle no more is going on? I hear alot is heart strings being plucked and bringing up topics that are important to be heard. I hear alot of words of passion, words that are upset, frustration and alot of speeches that really dont say anything or educate any of the passionate folks who are there in support. Not all speeches should be lectures but at least one should cover some simple teachings about what is truly going on around everybody.

It can be a bit frustrating when you know the system has my people bent over the sink and screwing us over for so long. All my people do is, ask for more of the same. We accept apologizes from the Canadian Prime Minister, no one ever thought, hey, what the hell does apology actually mean in English ? Apology -A formal justification or defense in speech or in writing. Do you know what this means ? Its saying, sure i slapped you really hard and i stand by what i did, i defend what i did. To many times do we assume we know what words mean in English, yet not many take the time to see how its defined in the many dictionaries out there, i use about 5 of them to define one word.Many argue that words evolve and word meanings change yet when something is created, its created for a purpose. Like take for instance, a GUN, it was made to shoot, which can kill you.

So, if society changes the meaning of a GUN, the initial intention for this gun still stands, it can kill you no matter how fluffy your label is. Its said, Words are a weapon, woindexrds can hurt if used in a very condescending manner towards another. Words are powerful, music uses this to its advantage. This is why i use a GUN as an example to show the power behind words, which makes alot of sense, as to why they forced all our nations into residential schools in order to steal our connection to whom we are as a people. Stole our ceremonies, songs, dances and the strong spirit that once resided inside each of us, that is now awakening. They cannot use their magic spells on us if we don’t understand or know what is being cast upon us, nor can they contract with us. So if you have the ability to learn your language please run and do it now fully and pass it on. The importance of this is so high i cannot express the importance of this. I say English is Magic, why else, when you write out words it’s called Spelling(Spell-ing). Look up Grammar.

Back to Idle no more, many march, many are very passionate about this movement even the folks whom are not even of our nations. i feel very happy that they are standing with us against these Corporations that masquerade as a Government. I don’t really wanna get into why they are not but there is alot of information that shows they are not a a legal Government, which you would have to refer to them as de facto. (Exercising power or serving a function without being legally or officially established: a de facto government;) So to end this article off before it comes a book.

I would like to offer these questions to the readers, if many are truly free why are so many rights taken away by these so called Acts ? What are the segments called in a play? Act 1, Act 2 etc.., are they not called acts ? Did Shakespeare not say “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” This whole game we are in at this moment is a game, called Commerce, contract law, admiralty law, the law of the sea. I would strongly recommend you loo935104_10152781179195024_1808577138_nk into these words and their definitions in physical books, the internet definitions are ok but a real physical dictionary will offer you a much more in-depth definition into words. How and why do Acts take away your so called Rights ? Go look up the word right sometime, rights are not rights if they can be taken away, those my friends are privileges as George Carlin has said “They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges.”.  The game is contract and in my humble opinion, law is contract and contract is law, it couldn’t really be anything else.– as Obama talks in background

This would be the only thing that would make good sense, go head sometimes and replace the word law with contract E.i — Law Enforcement – Contract Enforcement, Court of Law– Court of Contract. Its said, Almost the whole procedure of life, implies or rather is, the continual fulfillment of contracts. If we are to take back our lands, resources and rights we had better start looking into getting ourselves a true education. Ignorance and freedom cannot co-exist, you cannot be both ignorant and free. If our nations want to be free of this Corporation called or referred to as Canada, we best start learning how to contract for the use of our lands, start learning what a contract is and how to implement one upon those who would wish to do extractions or who are doing them now while we feel helpless.

My next blog, shall cover how to write one up, how to make a presentment and why our position is stronger and more powerful then, that of a Corporation. This was just an introduction to my blog, with some thoughts and ideas on Idle no more. I have much more to offer but i will end this with may last idea, it is said the pen is mightier than the sword, “The pen is mightier than the sword” is a metonymic adage indicating that communication, or in some interpretations, administrative power, is a more effective tool than direct violence. So this leads me to believe a strong written contractual offer to a corporations for  the use or lease of our lands would be the best direct action to stop their plans to dig or extract anything from our lands. If we make it to expensive to do business than they will have no other choice but to go else where. I get that our lands are not for sale, but nothing else seems to work, nothing else seems to be helping other than having those military police come and pepper spray and beat down our young ones and elders. This will be another blog as well. For now, lets educate ourselves on the proper way to contract and make an official offer. Invoicing and conducting business that they cant afford. 600 Million per day would seem pretty high, but we choose the price on the menu not them, or 2million per tree etc…something to let roll around in your head of a while. I hope reading this i have not offended anyone or make anyone feel put down. It was not my intention. I merely and expressing my ideas and studies i have come to learn thus far. Hope everyone has a great day and thanks for reading, pass it on and share as much as you can.

If there are any grammagicsmar mistakes or spelling mistakes, i welcome it fully as to break up the casting of a spell or incantation.

Chief Rock

an admiral of a ship, looks very much like the Governor General of Canada’s regalia.

admiral gover genres

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